Saturday, September 26, 2009'♥
i love EagerBeaver and Friends!
Today, you will get to see how the children make the clouds and paint them using water colour. After they have finished, they will paste the aircraft picture like aeroplane, helicopter and hot-air balloon on the clouds.

Look! I've completed the clouds.

Oops! My hands are stained with paint...

Watch! I'm putting the clouds in place.

Wow! I'm still enjoying myself making the clouds...

Hmm...I'm so happy with my work!'s my work? (shy shy...)

Let me show you how I make the clouds...

And this is how I paste it.

I use the brush to paint the cloud.

Dipping the cotton wool with blue paint.

You can see my cloud now! Nice?
Dip some paint onto the cotton wool.

Let me demonstrate how to use brush to colour the cloud.
blogged @ Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009'♥
i love EagerBeaver and Friends!
In this lesson, the children will learn how to draw shapes by joining the dots. We let them use markers to trace the dots on the shapes from the transparent sheets. There are a number of different shapes for them to trace. Let's take a look at how attentive they can be completing this task...

I'm joinig the line carefully!

It's a rectangle, you can see the two long sides.
Look! I'm keeping the line straight.

I'm ready to do, can I begin now?

This is a square, it's completed.

See how focus when I'm doing my work.

I can make my line straight.

Start to join the line to make the shape.

This is my triangle, you can see it now!

I'm drawing the line carefully.

I'm going to start...ready
blogged @ Tuesday, September 22, 2009